Thursday, September 13, 2007

Oh how i hate new places.

Starting a new school is like watching someone doing something so stupid but you just want to sit and watch what will happen next. I started a new school this year. Masters Regional Academy? Yeah, its nice. I walked through the double doors the first day of school. Did you know that school has a smell? It does and i dont like it. So i was pretty much smacked in the face from the smell of school. (eww) I walked down the hall down to where i thaught would be my homeroom. As i looked around i noticed that everything was pretty much breakable. This made me nervous. Lets just say im pretty much dangerous with a spoon. Tell me to walk straight and ill walk into everything in the room. After i controlled myself from the erges to twitch uncontrolablly i found my homeroom. I looked around to see my new classmate. Fist thaught that came to my mind: What the crap? Whate is this Midget Academy? Okay, yeah im tall for my age but come on. Im not lieing when i say this i dont think i single on of those kids hase gotten past 5 feet. It was very dissopointing. (no hard feelings against short poeple by the way cough* katie cough*) After i went threw all my classes and arriving in several of my wrong classes and droping only three abnomrally large books on people the school day was almost over. I look at the clock 3:44. One minute left until sweet freedom. I could almsot smell freedom. For the last minute of school i imagined running threw the double doors back to the outside world. My eyes squinting becouse i have seen light for years it seemed like. *bell rings* I have never ran so fast in my life. I swear if there was a bear coming after thristy for my blood and wanting to crush my bones i couldnt of ran faster. So the moral of this little story is..... goats are a fantastic object to throw at people.


jess said...

Dear Katie's friend. Your writing in good but your speling causes me physical pain. Ouch. Please write more funny posts and invest in a spellcheck program.

Yours truly,
Katie's sister

Katie said...

{Jess! You're not supposed to say mean things like that and then leave evidence of your connection to me!)
Don't mind her, she's a big fat meany... and she's stinky, too. Anyway, funny first post, now you just have to follow it up with another one! Jaio Jaio, you can do it! And don't be so mean to short people, they're the best, like ever. It's tall people you have to watch out for.
P.S. Of course goats are fantastic things to throw at people. Way better than sheep which are better than weasels.

jess said...

Wow, that was mean! Did I write that? I think it was Libby.

Hey Katie's friend, please write more entries. I like your writing a lot and think there should be more blogging representational of the high school experience.

I'll send you a nickel if you keep writing here.

jess said...

Or maybe even TWO nickels!!!! And a goat!!